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<pre class=setup>
The aggregate function takes a list of operations - this is the pipeline.
import io
import sys
sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-16')
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
db = client['progzoo']
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
==Introducing the aggregation framework==
The data passes through each stage of the pipeline in turn.
These examples introduce the aggregation framework and its operators. Again we will be using the collection <code>world</code>
Pipeline stages can include:
* '''$group''' This is the aggregate special sauce; you specify the _id value, the output from this stage includes one entry for each distinct _id value. In SQL you would use a GROUP BY clause
* '''$match''' - this acts as a filter, some data items pass through this stage, some do not. Similar to the WHERE clause in SQL
* '''$project''' - this can be used to transform each element. Rather like the values on the SELECT line of an SQL query
* '''$limit'''
* '''$sort'''
* '''$skip'''
<div class='extra_space' style='width:1em; height:6em;'></div>
<div class='extra_space' style='width:1em; height:6em;'></div>
<div class="q" data-lang="mongo">
'''$group''' allows you to collect group items that share common features
* _id - this determines the values to be grouped
* $continent and $population refers to keys 'continent' and 'population' available in each item
* $sum is an aggregating function, it takes many values in and returns a single value. Other examples of aggregating functions are $min $max, $avg
<p class="strong">List the continents</p>
<pre class="def"><nowiki>
    {$group: {_id: "$continent"}, pop:{$sum:'$population'}}
<div class=q data-lang="py3">
<code>$match</code> Allows us to perform queries in a similar way to find()
<div class="q" data-lang="mongo">
<p class=strong>Show all the details for France</p>
'''$match''' performs queries in a similar way to <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript" inline>find()</syntaxhighlight>
<pre class=def>
<p class="strong">Show all the details for France</p>
<pre class="def"><nowiki>[
    {$match: {name: "France"}}
<pre class="ans"><nowiki>[{$match:{name:"France"}}]);</nowiki></pre>
<div class=ans>
<div class="q" data-lang="mongo">'''$limit''' sets the amount of documents to be handed to the next stage in the pipeline.
<p class="strong">Return the first two document</p>
<pre class="def"><nowiki>
    {$limit: 2}
<pre class="ans"><nowiki>[{"$limit":2}]);</nowiki></pre>
<div class=q data-lang="py3">
<code>$project</code> Allows us to select what fields to display.<br/>
<div class="q" data-lang="mongo">
It can also has the ability to insert new fields and allows you to compare fields against each other without using <code>$where</code>
'''$project''' selects what fields to display.<br/>
<p class=strong>Show the name and population density of all Asian countries. (population/area)</p>
It can also has the ability to create new fields and to compare fields against each other without using '''$where'''
Note that "density" is a new field, made from the result of dividing two existing fields, and that <code>$divide</code> is an aggregate function.
<p class="strong">Show the name and population density of all Asian countries. (population/area)</p>
<div class=hint title="Dealing with division by 0">
Note that "density" is a new field made from the result of dividing two existing fields, and that '''$divide''' is an aggregate function.
To avoid diving by 0 we do a <code>$match</code> to remove any countries with 0 area (Vatican City), then pipe these results through to <code>$project</code>  
<div class="hint" title="Dealing with division by 0">
To avoid diving by 0 insert a '''$match''' to remove any countries with no area (Vatican City), then pipe these results through to '''$project'''<br/>
There is no need to check if values are <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript" inline>null</syntaxhighlight>, MongoDB will ignore these documents.
<pre class=def>
<pre class="def"><nowiki>
    {$match: {area: {$ne: 0}, continent: "Asia"}},
    {$project: {
        _id: 0,
        name: 1,
        density: {$divide: ["$population", "$area"]}
            "density": {"$divide": ["$population","$area"]}
<pre class="ans"><nowiki>[{"$match":{"area":{"$ne":0},"continent":"Asia"}},{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,"density":{"$divide":["$population","$area"]}}}]);</nowiki></pre>
<div class=ans>
==aggregate composition==
<div class="q" data-lang="mongo">
You can have several pipeline stages, the data flows through each one in turn.
<p class="strong">Show the name of Asian countries with a density that's over 500 people per km<sup>2</sup>. (population/area)</p>
<pre class="def"><nowiki>
  {$match: {area: {$ne: 0}, continent: "Asia"}},
  {$project: {
      _id: 0,
      name: 1,
      density: {$divide: ["$population", "$area"]}
  {$match: {density: {$gt: 500}}}
<pre class="ans"><nowiki>[{"$match":{"area":{"$ne":0},"continent":"Asia"}},{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,"density":{"$divide":["$population","$area"]}}},{"$match":{"density":{"$gt":500}}}]);</nowiki></pre>
<div class=q data-lang="py3">
<code>$sort</code> Allows us to choose how the results are displayed, where 1 is ascending and -1 is descending.<br/>
<div class="q" data-lang="mongo">
Note that excluding <code>$match</code> is the same as <code>{"$match":{}}</code>
'''$sort''' allows ordering of the results set, where 1 is ascending and -1 is descending.<br/>
<p class=strong>Show the name of all countries in descending order.</p>
Note that not including '''$match''' is the same as <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript" inline>{"$match":{}}</syntaxhighlight>
<pre class=def>
<p class="strong">Show the name of all countries in descending order.</p>
<pre class="def"><nowiki>[
<pre class="ans"><nowiki>[{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,}},{"$sort":{"name":-1}}])</nowiki></pre>
<div class=ans>
Grouping allows us to use accumulator operations sum as <code>$sum</code><br />
Grouping provides accumulator operations such as '''$sum'''<br />
All groups must have an <code>_id</code>. To accumulate over all the results you can just use <code>null</code>
All groups must have an '''_id'''. To see why this is useful imagine the following:<br/><br/>
<div class='extra_space' style='width:1em; height:6em;'></div>
<div class=q data-lang="py3">
So far you've been using the '''world''' collection</code><br/>
<code>$max</code> and <code>$min</code> can be used to get the largest and smallest values in a group.
As every country has a continent, it would make sense to have countries as a nested document inside continents: e.g:
<p class=strong>Get the smallest and largest GDPs.</p>
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
<pre class=def>
    {"name": "Africa",[
    "countries": [
        {"name": "Algeria",    "capital": "Algiers",    ...},
        {"name": "Angola",      "capital": "Luanda",    ...},
        {"name": "Benin",      "capital": "Porto-Novo", ...}.
    {"name": "Asia",
    "countries": [
        {"name": "Afghanistan", "capital": "Kabul",  ...},
        {"name": "Azerbaijan",  "capital": "Baku",  ...},
        {"name": "Bahrain",    "capital": "Manama", ...},
<div class=ans>
The '''world''' collection isn't like this however. It uses the following structure, which has a redundancy where '''continent''' is repeated for each country.
<syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript">
    {"name": "Afghanistan", "capital": "Kabul",  "continent": "Asia",  ...},
    {"name": "Albania",    "capital": "Tirana",  "continent": "Europe",  ...},
    {"name": "Algeria",    "capital": "Algiers", "contiennt": "Africa", ...},
The code to group by continent is <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript" inline>"_id":"$continent"</syntaxhighlight><br/>
If instead the question was to group by country the code would be <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript" inline>"_id": "$name"</syntaxhighlight>.<br/>
To operate over the whole document (which would have the same effect as <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript" inline>"_id": "$name"</syntaxhighlight>) <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript" inline>"_id": "null"</syntaxhighlight> or <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript" inline>"_id": None</syntaxhighlight> can be used.
==group operators==
<div class="q" data-lang="mongo">  
'''$max''' and '''$min''' can be used to get the largest and smallest values in a group.
<p class="strong">Get the smallest and largest GDPs of each continent.</p>
<pre class="def"><nowiki>
    {$group: {
        _id: '$continent',
        min: {$min: "$gdp"},
        max: {$max: "$gdp"}
    {$project: {
        _id: 1,
        min: 1,
        max: 1
<pre class="ans"><nowiki>[{"$group":{'_id':'$continent','min':{"$min":"$gdp"},'max':{"$max":"$gdp"}}},{"$project":{"_id":1,"min":1,"max":1}}]);</nowiki></pre>
<div class="q" data-lang="mongo">
Some other useful aggregate functions to know are '''$sum''' and average: '''$avg'''<br/>
The example below  combines previous example material.
<p class="strong">Order the continents in descending order by total GDP, Include the average GDP for each country.</p>
<pre class="def"><nowiki>
    {$match: {}},
    {$group: {
        "Total GDP": {"$sum": "$gdp"},
        "Average GDP": {"$avg": "$gdp"}
    {$sort: {
        "Total GDP":-1
        "Area": "$_id",
        "Total GDP": 1,
        "Average GDP": 1,
        _id: 0
<pre class="ans"><nowiki>[{"$group":{"_id":"$continent","Total GDP":{"$sum":"$gdp"},"Average GDP":{"$avg":"$gdp"}}},{"$sort":{"Total GDP":-1}},{"$project":{"Area":"$_id","Total GDP":1,"Average GDP":1,"_id":0}}]);</nowiki></pre>
<div class=q data-lang="py3">
<div class="q" data-lang="mongo">
In the previous example we can't use <code>$name</code> to get the names of the countries with the smallest and largest values as we lost the ability to associate documents when we set the <code>_id</code> to <code>null</code> to perform a grouping<br/><br/>
Using Conditions<br/><br/>
If we want to do this, a simple way is to use <code>sort=[(<fieldname>, <direction>)]</code> inside a <code>find_one()</code> statement. Performance will be improved if these fields have previously been indexed.
'''$cond''' is similar to a '''CASE''' statement in other languages.<br/>
<p class=strong>Get the names and GDPs of the two countries with the smallest and largest GDPs.</p>
It has the form <syntaxhighlight lang="JavaScript" inline>"$cond": [{<comparison>: [<field or value>, <field or value>]}, <true case>, <false case>]</syntaxhighlight><br/><br/>
<div class="hint" title="Avoiding null results">
<pre class="def"><nowiki>
It is possible that we will occasionally encounter <code>null</code> values in a data collection. This could be either where the field is simply not included on a certain document, or a document has a redundancy where the field is specified as null, none, etc.<br/><br/>To deal with this we can use <code>{<field>: {"$ne": None}}</code> to prevent any null values from being included.
    {$group: {
<pre class=def>
        _id: {
            $cond: [{"$eq": ["$continent", "Eurasia"]}, "Europe", "$continent"]{"gdp":{"$ne":None}},{"name":1,"gdp":1,"_id":0},sort=[("gdp", 1)])
        area: {$sum: "$area"}
    }},{},{"name":1,"gdp":1,"_id":0},sort=[("gdp", -1)])
    {$sort: {
        area: -1
<div class=ans>
    {$project: {
pp.pprint({"gdp":{"$ne":None}},{"name":1,"gdp":1,"_id":0},sort=[("gdp", 1)])
        _id: 1,
pp.pprint({},{"name":1,"gdp":1,"_id":0},sort=[("gdp", -1)]))
        area: 1

Latest revision as of 20:22, 1 April 2022


The aggregate function takes a list of operations - this is the pipeline.

The data passes through each stage of the pipeline in turn.

Pipeline stages can include:

  • $group This is the aggregate special sauce; you specify the _id value, the output from this stage includes one entry for each distinct _id value. In SQL you would use a GROUP BY clause
  • $match - this acts as a filter, some data items pass through this stage, some do not. Similar to the WHERE clause in SQL
  • $project - this can be used to transform each element. Rather like the values on the SELECT line of an SQL query
  • $limit
  • $sort
  • $skip


$group allows you to collect group items that share common features

  • _id - this determines the values to be grouped
  • $continent and $population refers to keys 'continent' and 'population' available in each item
  • $sum is an aggregating function, it takes many values in and returns a single value. Other examples of aggregating functions are $min $max, $avg

List the continents
    {$group: {_id: "$continent"}, pop:{$sum:'$population'}}


$match performs queries in a similar way to find()

Show all the details for France[
    {$match: {name: "France"}}


$limit sets the amount of documents to be handed to the next stage in the pipeline.

Return the first two document[
    {$limit: 2}


$project selects what fields to display.
It can also has the ability to create new fields and to compare fields against each other without using $where

Show the name and population density of all Asian countries. (population/area)

Note that "density" is a new field made from the result of dividing two existing fields, and that $divide is an aggregate function.

To avoid diving by 0 insert a $match to remove any countries with no area (Vatican City), then pipe these results through to $project
There is no need to check if values are null, MongoDB will ignore these documents.[
    {$match: {area: {$ne: 0}, continent: "Asia"}},
    {$project: {
        _id: 0,
        name: 1,
        density: {$divide: ["$population", "$area"]}

aggregate composition

You can have several pipeline stages, the data flows through each one in turn.

Show the name of Asian countries with a density that's over 500 people per km2. (population/area)[
   {$match: {area: {$ne: 0}, continent: "Asia"}},
   {$project: {
       _id: 0,
       name: 1,
       density: {$divide: ["$population", "$area"]}
   {$match: {density: {$gt: 500}}}


$sort allows ordering of the results set, where 1 is ascending and -1 is descending.
Note that not including $match is the same as {"$match":{}}

Show the name of all countries in descending order.[


Grouping provides accumulator operations such as $sum
All groups must have an _id. To see why this is useful imagine the following:

So far you've been using the world collection
As every country has a continent, it would make sense to have countries as a nested document inside continents: e.g:

    {"name": "Africa",
     "countries": [
         {"name": "Algeria",     "capital": "Algiers",    ...},
         {"name": "Angola",      "capital": "Luanda",     ...},
         {"name": "Benin",       "capital": "Porto-Novo", ...}.
    {"name": "Asia",
     "countries": [
         {"name": "Afghanistan", "capital": "Kabul",  ...},
         {"name": "Azerbaijan",  "capital": "Baku",   ...},
         {"name": "Bahrain",     "capital": "Manama", ...},

The world collection isn't like this however. It uses the following structure, which has a redundancy where continent is repeated for each country.

    {"name": "Afghanistan", "capital": "Kabul",   "continent": "Asia",   ...},
    {"name": "Albania",     "capital": "Tirana",  "continent": "Europe",  ...},
    {"name": "Algeria",     "capital": "Algiers", "contiennt": "Africa", ...},

The code to group by continent is "_id":"$continent"
If instead the question was to group by country the code would be "_id": "$name".
To operate over the whole document (which would have the same effect as "_id": "$name") "_id": "null" or "_id": None can be used.

group operators

$max and $min can be used to get the largest and smallest values in a group.

Get the smallest and largest GDPs of each continent.[
    {$group: {
        _id: '$continent',
        min: {$min: "$gdp"},
        max: {$max: "$gdp"}
    {$project: {
        _id: 1,
        min: 1,
        max: 1

Some other useful aggregate functions to know are $sum and average: $avg
The example below combines previous example material.

Order the continents in descending order by total GDP, Include the average GDP for each country.[
    {$match: {}},
    {$group: {
        "Total GDP": {"$sum": "$gdp"},
        "Average GDP": {"$avg": "$gdp"}
    {$sort: {
        "Total GDP":-1
        "Area": "$_id",
        "Total GDP": 1,
        "Average GDP": 1,
        _id: 0
]);[{"$group":{"_id":"$continent","Total GDP":{"$sum":"$gdp"},"Average GDP":{"$avg":"$gdp"}}},{"$sort":{"Total GDP":-1}},{"$project":{"Area":"$_id","Total GDP":1,"Average GDP":1,"_id":0}}]);

Using Conditions

$cond is similar to a CASE statement in other languages.
It has the form "$cond": [{<comparison>: [<field or value>, <field or value>]}, <true case>, <false case>][
    {$group: {
        _id: {
            $cond: [{"$eq": ["$continent", "Eurasia"]}, "Europe", "$continent"]
        area: {$sum: "$area"}
    {$sort: {
        area: -1
    {$project: {
        _id: 1,
        area: 1