AGGREGATE examples
Introducing the aggregation framework
These examples introduce the aggregation framework and its operators. Again we will be using the world collection.
$group allows you to collect group items that share common features
List the continents[ {$group: {_id: "$continent"}} ]);[{$group:{_id:"$continent"}}]);
$match performs queries in a similar way to find()
Show all the details for France[ {$match: {name: "France"}} ]);[{$match:{name:"France"}}]);
Return the first document[ {$limit: 1} ]);[{"$limit":1}]);
$project selects what fields to display.
It can also has the ability to create new fields and to compare fields against each other without using $where
Show the name and population density of all Asian countries. (population/area)
Note that "density" is a new field made from the result of dividing two existing fields, and that $divide is an aggregate function.
To avoid diving by 0 insert a $match to remove any countries with no area (Vatican City), then pipe these results through to $project
There is no need to check if values are null
, MongoDB will ignore these documents.[ {$match: {area: {$ne: 0}, continent: "Asia"}}, {$project: { _id: 0, name: 1, density: {$divide: ["$population", "$area"]} }} ]);[{"$match":{"area":{"$ne":0},"continent":"Asia"}},{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,"density":{"$divide":["$population","$area"]}}}]);
Because aggregate is a pipeline stages may be repeated, and stages don't have to be used in a specific order.
Show the name of Asian countries with a density that's over 500 people per km2. (population/area)[ {$match: {area: {$ne: 0}, continent: "Asia"}}, {$project: { _id: 0, name: 1, density: {$divide: ["$population", "$area"]} }}, {$match: {density: {$gt: 500}}} ]);[{"$match":{"area":{"$ne":0},"continent":"Asia"}},{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,"density":{"$divide":["$population","$area"]}}},{"$match":{"density":{"$gt":500}}}]);
$sort allows ordering of the results set, where 1 is ascending and -1 is descending.
Note that not including $match is the same as {"$match":{}}
Show the name of all countries in descending order.[ {"$project":{ "_id":0, "name":1, }}, {"$sort":{ "name":-1 }} ]);[{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,}},{"$sort":{"name":-1}}])
Grouping provides accumulator operations such as $sum
All groups must have an _id. To see why this is useful imagine the following:
So far you've been using the world collection
As every country has a continent, it would make sense to have countries as a nested document inside continents: e.g:
{"name": "Africa",
"countries": [
{"name": "Algeria", "capital": "Algiers", ...},
{"name": "Angola", "capital": "Luanda", ...},
{"name": "Benin", "capital": "Porto-Novo", ...}.
{"name": "Asia",
"countries": [
{"name": "Afghanistan", "capital": "Kabul", ...},
{"name": "Azerbaijan", "capital": "Baku", ...},
{"name": "Bahrain", "capital": "Manama", ...},
The world collection isn't like this however. It uses the following structure, which has a redundancy where continent is repeated for each country.
{"name": "Afghanistan", "capital": "Kabul", "continent": "Asia", ...},
{"name": "Albania", "capital": "Tirana", "continent": "Europe", ...},
{"name": "Algeria", "capital": "Algiers", "contiennt": "Africa", ...},
The code to group by continent is "_id":"$continent"
If instead the question was to group by country the code would be "_id": "$name"
To operate over the whole document (which would have the same effect as "_id": "$name"
) "_id": "null"
or "_id": None
can be used.
group operators
$max and $min can be used to get the largest and smallest values in a group.
Get the smallest and largest GDPs of each continent.[ {$group: { _id: '$continent', min: {$min: "$gdp"}, max: {$max: "$gdp"} }}, {$project: { _id: 1, min: 1, max: 1 }} ]);[{"$group":{'_id':'$continent','min':{"$min":"$gdp"},'max':{"$max":"$gdp"}}},{"$project":{"_id":1,"min":1,"max":1}}]);
Some other useful aggregate functions to know are $sum and average: $avg
The example below combines previous example material.
Order the continents in descending order by total GDP, Include the average GDP for each country.[ {$match: {}}, {$group: { _id:"$continent", "Total GDP": {"$sum": "$gdp"}, "Average GDP": {"$avg": "$gdp"} }}, {$sort: { "Total GDP":-1 }}, {$project:{ "Area": "$_id", "Total GDP": 1, "Average GDP": 1, _id: 0 }} ]);[{"$group":{"_id":"$continent","Total GDP":{"$sum":"$gdp"},"Average GDP":{"$avg":"$gdp"}}},{"$sort":{"Total GDP":-1}},{"$project":{"Area":"$_id","Total GDP":1,"Average GDP":1,"_id":0}}]);
Using Conditions
$cond is similar to a CASE statement in other languages.
It has the form "$cond": [{<comparison>: [<field or value>, <field or value>]}, <true case>, <false case>][ {$group: { _id: { $cond: [{"$eq": ["$continent", "Eurasia"]}, "Europe", "$continent"] }, area: {$sum: "$area"} }}, {$sort: { area: -1 }}, {$project: { _id: 1, area: 1 }} ]);