- 1 Country Profile
- 2 Per Capita GDP
- 3 Population Density in South America
- 4 Population Density for "V"
- 5 Population in millions
- 6 Population density
- 7 Continents by area
- 8 Harder Questions
- 9 Messing with continent names
- 10 Messing with continent names 2
- 11 Messing with continent names 3
- 12 Messing with continent names 4
Country Profile
For these questions you should use aggregate([])
on the collection world
You may find these AGGREGATE examples useful.
Per Capita GDP
Give the name
and the per capita GDP
for those countries with a population
of at least 200 million.
per capita GDP is the GDP divided by the population.[ {$match:{ population:{$gte:250000000} }}, {$project:{ _id:0, name:1, "per capita GDP": {$divide: ['$gdp',1000000]} }} ])
Population Density in South America
Give the name
and the population density
of all countries in South America.
population density is the population divided by the area
Use a $match
. {"area":{"$ne":0}}[ {$match:{continent:'Asia'}}, {$project:{ _id:0, name:1, density: {$divide: ["$population","$area"]} }}, ])[
{$match:{continent:'South America'}}, {$project:{ _id:0, name:1, density: {$divide: ["$population","$area"]} }}
Population Density for "V"
Give the name
and the population density
of all countries with name after V in the alphabet.
Note that because Vatican City (with area 0) is in Europe you will get a divide by zero error unless you filter first.
Use a $match
. {$match:{area:{"$ne":0}}}[ {$match:{name:{$gt:'V'}}}, {$project:{ _id:0, name:1, area:1 }}, ])[
{$match:{name:{$gt:'V'}}}, {$match:{area:{"$ne":0}}}, {$project:{ _id:0, name:1, density: {$divide: ["$population","$area"]} }}
Population in millions
Show the name
and population
in millions for the countries of the continent South America. Divide the population by 1000000 to get population in millions.[ {$match:{ }}, {$project:{ _id:0, name:1 }} ])[{"$match":{"continent":{"$eq":"South America"}}},{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,"population":{"$divide":["$population",1000000]}}}])
Population density
Show the name
and population density
for France, Germany, and Italy[ {$match:{ name: {$in:['United Kingdom','United States','Brazil']}, population: {$ne: null}, area: {$ne: 0} }}, {$project:{ _id:0, name:1 }} ])[{"$match":{"name":{"$in":['France','Germany','Italy']},"population":{"$ne":null},"area":{"$ne":0}}},{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,"population density":{"$divide":["$population","$area"]}}}])
Continents by area
Order the continents
by area
from most to least.[ {$group:{ _id:"$name", area:{$max: "$area"} }}, {$sort:{ area: -1 }}, {$project:{ _id:1, area:1 }} ])[ {"$group":{ "_id":"$continent", "area":{"$sum": "$area"} }}, {"$sort":{ "area": -1 }}, {"$project":{ "_id":1, "area":1 }} ])
Harder Questions
Print a list of names for countries in the continent of "North America" change United States to USA[ {$match:{ continent:"North America" }}, {$project:{ _id:0, name:1 }} ])[{"$match":{"continent":"North America"}},{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":{"$cond": [{"$eq":["$name","United States"]},"USA","$name"]}}}])
Messing with continent names
Combine North America and South America to America, and then list the continents by area. Biggest first.[ {$group:{ _id:{ $cond: [{$eq:["$continent","North America"]},"America", {$cond: [{$eq:["$continent","Asia"]},"The East","$continent"]}] }, area:{$sum: "$area"} }}, {$sort:{ area: -1 }}, {$project:{ _id:1, area:1 }} ])[{"$group":{"_id":{"$cond":[{"$eq":["$continent","South America"]},"America",{"$cond":[{"$eq":["$continent","North America"]},"America","$continent"]}]},"area":{"$sum":"$area"}}},{"$sort":{"area":-1}},{"$project":{"_id":1,"area":1}}])
Messing with continent names 2
Show the name and the continent for countries beginning with N - but replace the continent Oceania with Australasia.[ {$match:{ name:{$regex:"^N"} }}, {$project:{ _id:0, name:1 }} ])[{"$match":{"name":{"$regex":"^N"}}},{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,"continent":{"$cond":[{"$eq":["$continent","Oceania"]},"Australasia","$continent"]}}}])
Messing with continent names 3
Show the name and the continent but:
substitute Eurasia for Europe and Asia.
substitute America - for each country in North America or South America or Caribbean.
Only show countries beginning with A or B
If you're struggling you may want to experiment with $and
, etc.[
{$match:{ name:{$regex:"^A|^B"} }}, {$project:{ _id:0, name:1, continent: { $cond: [{ $or:[ {$eq:["$continent","Europe"]}, {$eq:["$continent","Asia"]} ]},"Eurasia",{ $cond: [ {$or:[ {$eq:["$continent","North America"]}, {$eq:["$continent","South America"]}, {$eq:["$continent","Caribbean"]} ]},"America","$continent"]} ]} }}
Messing with continent names 4
Put the continents right...
Oceania becomes Australasia
Countries in Eurasia and Turkey go to Europe/Asia
Caribbean islands starting with 'B' go to North America, other Caribbean islands go to South America
Show the name, the original continent and the new continent of all countries.[ {"$project":{ "_id":0, "name":1, "original": "$continent", "new": { "$cond": [ {"$or":[ {"$eq":["$continent","Eurasia"]}, {"$eq":["$name","Turkey"]} ]},"Europe/Asia",{ "$cond":[ {"$eq":["$continent","Oceania"]},"Australasia",{ "$cond":[ {"$and":[ {"$eq":["$continent","Caribbean"]}, {"$eq":[{"$substr":["$name",0,1]}, "B"]} ]},"North America",{ "$cond":[ {"$and":[ {"$eq":["$continent","Caribbean"]}, {"$ne":[{"$substr":["$name",0,1]}, "B"]} ]},"South America","$continent" ] } ] } ] } ] } }} ])