Sum and Count
From NoSQLZoo
#ENCODING import io import sys sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-16') #MONGO from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient() client.progzoo.authenticate('scott','tiger') db = client['progzoo'] #PRETTY import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4) #CODE from bson.code import Code
There are many ways to do this in MongoDB.
is a cursor method that takes a query and returns a number equal to the amount of documents that matched the query.
is an aggregation operator availible in the $group
stage, that can be used to both sum values and count the number of documents.
mapReduce can produce a sum or a count during the results stage.
pp.pprint(list([ {"$group":{ "_id":"$continent", "sum of populations":{"$sum":"$population"}, "count of countries":{"$sum":1} }} ])
temp =
map=Code("function(){emit(, this.population)}"), reduce=Code("""function(k,v){ return Array.sum(v) } """), out={"inline":1}