Neo4j:Basics - Match
Every Greek deity is known for having certain roles. The example shows the roles of Zeus.
Note that strings (pieces of text that are data) should be either single or double quoted.
Find the roles of Hera.
MATCH (n) WHERE n:God AND = 'Zeus' RETURN n.roles;
MATCH (n) WHERE n:God AND = 'Hera' RETURN n.roles;
The IN keyword can be used to check if an item is in a list.
This simplifies expressions such as x = a OR x = b OR x = c
down to x IN [a, b, c]
The example shows a query that gets all the details of Hera and Zeus
Return all details of Apollo and Artemis.
MATCH (n) WHERE n:God and IN ['Hera', 'Zeus'] RETURN n;
MATCH (n) WHERE n:God and IN ['Apollo', 'Artemis'] RETURN n;
Operators can be chained together to check if an object is between two values.
This changes expressions such as a <= b AND b <= c
to a <= b <= c
The example returns all the names of any god who has a name starting with the letter A.
Return the names of the gods who's names start with a letter between E and J.
MATCH (n) WHERE n:God AND "A" < < "B" RETURN;
MATCH (n) WHERE n:God AND "E" < < "J" RETURN;