AGGREGATE examples
#ENCODING import io import sys sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-16') #MONGO from pymongo import MongoClient client = MongoClient() client.progzoo.authenticate('scott','tiger') db = client['progzoo'] #PRETTY import pprint pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
Introducing the aggregation framework
These examples introduce the aggregation framework and its operators. Again we will be using the collection world
Allows us to perform queries in a similar way to find()
Show all the details for France
pp.pprint(list([ {"$match":{"name":"France"}} ]) ))
Allows us to select what fields to display.
It can also has the ability to insert new fields and allows you to compare fields against each other without using $where
Show the name and population density of all countries. (population/area)
Note that "density" is a new field, made from the result of dividing two existing fields.
To avoid diving by 0 we do a $match
to remove any countries with negligible area, then pipe these results through to $project
pp.pprint(list([ {"$match":{"area":{"$ne":0}}}, {"$project":{ "_id":0, "name":1, "density": {"$divide": ["$population","$area"]} }} ]) ))
pp.pprint(list([{"$match":{"area":{"$ne":0}}},{"$project":{"_id":0,"name":1,"density": {"$divide": ["$population","$area"]}}}])))