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Elite Document Structure

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Questions on this database can be found here: MAPREDUCE elite

Elite Dangerous

Keys used in this database.

        _id, average_price, category, name

        _id, allegiance, faction, government, name, population, primary_economy, security, state, stations, updated_at, x, y, z

        allegiance, distance_to_star, economies, export_commodities,has_blackmarket, has_commodities, has_rearm, has_repair,
        has_shipyard, has_outfitting, faction, government, listings, max_landing_pad, name, state, type, updated_at

        buy_price, collected_at, demand, commodity, sell_price, supply, update_count

Unlike the world collection, null and empty values are not stored in this database.
This means that some documents will have fields that others do not. Some systems will be uninhabited and have no stations and some stations will have no listings.

To query null or non-existent fields use <field>: None. or <field>: "null"

A typical commodities document looks something like this.

        "_id" : ObjectId("55af74e7402aa43f1ce7e3a3"),
        "name" : "Explosives",
        "average_price" : 267,
        "category" : "Chemicals"

systems is much bigger, so some stations and listings have been removed from this example document to make it shorter.

  • The system Kappa Cygni has two stations Kensey Ring and Hauck Enterprise.
  • At Kensey Ring you can buy the commodity Hydrogen Fuel for 93 credits per ton, you can sell it is 89 credits.
  • You cannot buy Mineral Oil there but you can sell it at 326.
>{"name":"1 Kappa Cygni"}) // Query

// Result
        "_id" : ObjectId("55b0edf6369fd5074b349c48"),
        "stations" : [
                        "max_landing_pad_size" : "M",
                        "has_blackmarket" : 0,
                        "has_commodities" : 1,
                        "updated_at" : 1434929486,
                        "has_outfitting" : 0,
                        "government" : "Democracy",
                        "has_shipyard" : 0,
                        "type" : "Unknown Outpost",
                        "has_rearm" : 0,
                        "allegiance" : "Federation",
                        "has_refuel" : 1,
                        "name" : "Kinsey Ring",
                        "listings" : [
                                        "commodity" : "Hydrogen Fuel",
                                        "supply" : 129630,
                                        "collected_at" : 1421669319,
                                        "update_count" : "1",
                                        "buy_price" : 93,
                                        "sell_price" : 89,
                                        "demand" : 0
                                        "commodity" : "Mineral Oil",
                                        "supply" : 0,
                                        "collected_at" : 1421669320,
                                        "update_count" : "1",
                                        "buy_price" : 0,
                                        "sell_price" : 326,
                                        "demand" : 217674
                        "distance_to_star" : 2359,
                        "economies" : [
                        "has_repair" : 1
                        "max_landing_pad_size" : "M",
                        "has_blackmarket" : 1,
                        "has_commodities" : 0,
                        "updated_at" : 1434929486,
                        "has_outfitting" : 0,
                        "government" : "Anarchy",
                        "has_shipyard" : 0,
                        "type" : "Unknown Outpost",
                        "has_rearm" : 1,
                        "allegiance" : "Independent",
                        "has_refuel" : 1,
                        "name" : "Hauck Enterprise",
                        "distance_to_star" : 4832,
                        "economies" : [
                        "has_repair" : 1
        "name" : "1 Kappa Cygni",
        "faction" : "United 1 Kappa Cygni Future",
        "government" : "Democracy",
        "allegiance" : "Federation",
        "updated_at" : 1430938622,
        "state" : "None",
        "needs_permit" : 0,
        "y" : 37.78125,
        "x" : -117.75,
        "security" : "High",
        "z" : 11.1875,
        "primary_economy" : "Industrial",
        "population" : 24843190