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Elite Document Structure

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Questions on this database can be found here MAPREDUCE elite, more elite

Elite Dangerous

Keys used in this database.

        _id, average_price, category, name
        _id, allegiance, faction, government, name, population, primary_economy, security, state, stations, updated_at, x, y, z

        allegiance, distance_to_star, economies, export_commodities,has_blackmarket, has_commodities, has_rearm, has_repair,
        has_shipyard, has_outfitting, faction, government, listings, max_landing_pad, name, state, type, updated_at

        buy_price, collected_at, demand, commodity, sell_price, supply, update_count

Unlike the world collection, null and empty values are not stored in this database.
This means that some documents will have fields that others do not: Some systems will be uninhabited and have no stations. Some stations will have no listings.
To query null or non-existant fields use <field>: None. In Mongo shell <field>: null will also work.

The average commodities document looks something like this.

        "_id" : ObjectId("55af74e7402aa43f1ce7e3a3"),
        "name" : "Explosives",
        "average_price" : 267,
        "category" : "Chemicals"

systems is much bigger, so some stations and listings have been removed from this example document to make it shorter.

>{"name":"1 Kappa Cygni"})
        "_id" : ObjectId("55b0edf6369fd5074b349c48"),
        "stations" : [
                        "max_landing_pad_size" : "M",
                        "has_blackmarket" : 0,
                        "has_commodities" : 1,
                        "updated_at" : 1434929486,
                        "has_outfitting" : 0,
                        "government" : "Democracy",
                        "has_shipyard" : 0,
                        "type" : "Unknown Outpost",
                        "has_rearm" : 0,
                        "allegiance" : "Federation",
                        "has_refuel" : 1,
                        "name" : "Kinsey Ring",
                        "listings" : [
                                        "commodity" : "Hydrogen Fuel",
                                        "supply" : 129630,
                                        "collected_at" : 1421669319,
                                        "update_count" : "1",
                                        "buy_price" : 93,
                                        "sell_price" : 89,
                                        "demand" : 0
                                        "commodity" : "Mineral Oil",
                                        "supply" : 0,
                                        "collected_at" : 1421669320,
                                        "update_count" : "1",
                                        "buy_price" : 0,
                                        "sell_price" : 326,
                                        "demand" : 217674
                        "distance_to_star" : 2359,
                        "economies" : [
                        "has_repair" : 1
                        "max_landing_pad_size" : "M",
                        "has_blackmarket" : 1,
                        "has_commodities" : 0,
                        "updated_at" : 1434929486,
                        "has_outfitting" : 0,
                        "government" : "Anarchy",
                        "has_shipyard" : 0,
                        "type" : "Unknown Outpost",
                        "has_rearm" : 1,
                        "allegiance" : "Independent",
                        "has_refuel" : 1,
                        "name" : "Hauck Enterprise",
                        "distance_to_star" : 4832,
                        "economies" : [
                        "has_repair" : 1
        "name" : "1 Kappa Cygni",
        "faction" : "United 1 Kappa Cygni Future",
        "government" : "Democracy",
        "allegiance" : "Federation",
        "updated_at" : 1430938622,
        "state" : "None",
        "needs_permit" : 0,
        "y" : 37.78125,
        "x" : -117.75,
        "security" : "High",
        "z" : 11.1875,
        "primary_economy" : "Industrial",
        "population" : 24843190