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<p class="strong">'Arissa Lavigny-Duval', 'Aisling Duval', 'Denton Patreus' and 'Zemina Torval' all support the Empire.<br/>Show the amount of systems they control that aren't allied to the Empire.</p>
<p class="strong">Show the allegiance of each of the power's systems</p>
<pre class=def>
<pre class=def>

Revision as of 16:12, 29 July 2015

import io
import sys
sys.stdout = io.TextIOWrapper(sys.stdout.buffer, encoding='utf-16')
from pymongo import MongoClient
client = MongoClient()
db = client['elite']
import pprint
pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
from bson.code import Code

Introducing the elite database **WORK IN PROGRESS

These questions will introduce the "elite" database, which contains data about the video game Elite Dangerous
from bson.code import Code has been added to the setup so that you no longer need to include it in your answer.

There are two collections, commodities and systems. Inside systems there is are nested documents called stations
A system has many stations, and a station has many trade listings

Keys used in this database.

        _id, average_price, category, name
        _id, allegiance, faction, government, name, population, primary_economy, security, state, stations, updated_at, x, y, z

        allegiance, distance_to_star, economies, export_commodities,has_blackmarket, has_commodities, has_rearm, has_repair,
        has_shipyard, has_outfitting, faction, government, listings, max_landing_pad, name, state, type, updated_at

        buy_price, collected_at, demand, commodity, sell_price, supply, update_count

Read more about the structure here: Elite Document Structure


The commodities collection contains the name and average_price of each commodity.

There are 99 unique commodities and 15 categories.

Find the average price of each category, round to the nearest whole number


from bson.code import Code;temp = db.commodities.map_reduce( map=Code("function(){emit(this.category,this.average_price)}"), reduce=Code("""function(key,values){var total = 0;for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++){total += values[i];}return Math.round(total/values.length);} """),out={"inline":1} );pp.pprint(temp['results'])

Each system has an allegiance. There are three main factions: The Federation, The Empire, and The Alliance.

The Alliance consists of independent systems, though an independent system is not necessarily part of The Alliance. In such a case their allegiance will be stored as "Independent"
There are a few systems that come under Anarchy. Non-populated systems without stations do not have an allegiance, and should be ignored.

Show the amount of systems following each type of allegiance.

temp = query={"allegiance": {"$ne":None}}, map=Code("function(){emit(this.allegiance, 1)}"), reduce=Code("""function(key,values){var total = 0;values.forEach(function(value){total += value;});return total;} """), out={"inline":1} );pp.pprint(temp['results'])

What are the populations of the three main factions?

temp ={"allegiance":{"$in":["Alliance","Empire","Federation"]}}, map=Code("function(){emit(this.allegiance,this.population)}"), reduce=Code("""function(key,values){var total = 0;values.forEach(function(value){total += value;});return total;} """), out={"inline":1} );pp.pprint(temp['results'])

Harder Questions

A power_control_faction or Power is an individual or organisation who is in control of a system.

These powers have allegiances, but the systems they control do not nescessarily have the same allegiance as they do.

At the time of writing Zemina Torval is allied with the Empire and controls 47 systems.
    {   '_id': 'Zemina Torval',
        'value': {   'alliance': 0.0,
                     'anarchy': 0.0,
                     'empire': 39.0,
                     'federation': 3.0,
                     'independent': 5.0}}]

Show the allegiance of each of the power's systems

temp ={"power_control_faction":{"$exists":1}},map=Code("""function(){switch(this.allegiance){case "Alliance":emit(this.power_control_faction,{alliance:1,anarchy:0,empire:0,federation:0,independent:0});break;case "Anarchy":emit(this.power_control_faction,{alliance:0,anarchy:1,empire:0,federation:0,independent:0});break; case "Empire":emit(this.power_control_faction,{alliance:0,anarchy:0,empire:1,federation:0,independent:0});break;case "Federation":emit(this.power_control_faction,{alliance:0,anarchy:0,empire:0,federation:1,independent:0});break;case "Independent":emit(this.power_control_faction,{alliance:0,anarchy:0,empire:0,federation:0,independent:1});break;}}"""),reduce=Code("""function(k,vs){var a=vs[0];for(var i=1;i<vs.length;i++){var b=vs[i];a.alliance+=b.alliance;a.anarchy+=b.anarchy;a.empire+=b.empire;a.federation+=b.federation;a.independent+=b.independent;}return a}"""),out={"inline":1}); pp.pprint(temp['results']);

How much Hydrogen Fuel is owned by stations in systems that are allied with the three main factions? Limit your query to the first 5000 stations.

The amount of stations and the amount of listings aren't fixed, you'll need to query to ensure that they exist and find a way of iterating through them in your map stage.

temp = limit=5000, query={"allegiance":{"$in":["Alliance","Empire","Federation"]},"stations.listings.commodity":"Hydrogen Fuel","":{"$exists":1}}, map=Code("""function(){ for(var i in this.stations) for(var j in this.stations[i].listings) emit(this.allegiance,this.stations[i].listings[j].supply) }"""), reduce=Code("""function(k,vs){var t = 0;vs.forEach(function(v){t += v});return t;} """), out={"inline":1} ); pp.pprint(temp['results']);